
Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Andrew Matthews and I'm a snowboarder athlete from Yellowknife, NWT. I decided to start this blog to keep my friends, family, fans and sponsors up to date about my life as a full time snowboarder. I will be posting about my travels, competitions, training and random awesome things that I come across. Enjoy the journey!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I get knocked down but I get up again!

Hey how's it going?
It's been a while since I've updated this bad boy of a blog. The main reason being that I could only type with one hand for 5 weeks... I broke my 5th metacarpal bone on my left hand in a snowboard fall while I was home for the holidays. That was a bit of a snag in the wicked start to my season. 

In snowboarding you will get knocked down. Injuries are inevitable. Todd Richards wrote in his book 'it isn't a matter of if you'll get injured, it's a matter of when and how bad.' You've got to take the good with the bad and play the hand you get and all the other cliches out there but its true. You can't stress out when your body needs a break, you just have to roll with it. That's exactly what I did while I was injured and now I'm back up again and feel better than ever! Now I'm back feeling good and getting ready for my first competition, YouLookGood Slopestyle, this Saturday at Mount Seymour. So stoked for that! Before you keep reading, press play below for the theme song for this post!

To switch things up from what can end up being me boring the glasses off of readers, I've done up a timeline since my injury.

• December 27th: Hard fall hitting a rail feature in Yellowknife ends up with broken hand.
• January 4th: A week after my break my bone didn't settle properly. I find out that I need my first surgery ever. This sucks but I know it will help it heal faster and stronger.
• January 10th: I had surgery in Vancouver. They gave me a local anesthetic completely freezing my arm. After some sedative I fell asleep during surgery and woke up to them putting 3 screws into my hand. It was weird but I was surprisingly mellow about it. Those drugs are stong! The staff at St. Pauls hospital were really nice, Dr. Wells nailed it (or should I say screwed it? ha) with the surgery.
• January 10th - Feb 2nd: No boarding for 3 more weeks after surgery - I kept busy by reading lots of books (Climbing From the Wreckage by Gwynne Dyer is awesome); lots of small workouts; learning about investing and of course hanging out with friends.
• Feb 2: Bone healed - I had to bus back to Vancouver for a follow up. It was a long day but when Dr. Wells said my bone was healed and I was good to go back to snowboarding it was well worth the trip. I felt so good! Now back to some mellow riding and hand rehab begins.
• Feb 10th: Hand has about 90% of motion back and feels solid. That means back to boarding hard!
• Feb 12 - 18th: Whistler gets 2 meters of snow in one week. Epic powder riding!
With so much snow, I couldn't see outside my window until the maintenance guys did this!
• Feb 20: At this point I'm back to doing everything in the gym and doing yoga. I'm stoked! Check pics bellow of workout with Kyle

• Feb 23rd: Awesome day in the park! I'm back hitting big jumps/rails in the park and it feels awesome. Time to get back my old tricks and learn new ones.

I just picked up a new training log and I'll end this post with the quote from the front.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit. - Aristotle.


- A

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